Exporting from bethesda creation kit
Exporting from bethesda creation kit

exporting from bethesda creation kit

This is where single tracks, silent tracks, and pallete tracks are defined, and there's a ton of options here. To keep things simple I'm just going to focus on single tracks. Right click anywhere in the list of Music Tracks and click "New". This will open the edit Music Track dialogue. I use the naming convention modname_MUS followed by Explore, Dungeon, Etc, and then something to specify what the track actually is.

exporting from bethesda creation kit

For example I added the track, The Shire from the Fellowship soundtrack and named it AHS_MUSExploreTheShire. Next set the track type to single track and click the Choose File button to select your wav file. I'm not going into detail on the other options, so if you want to know more then read this wiki article: If you created the music folder in the correct location the path should already be set to that folder, so navigate to the file and click ok. So you now have a new track ready to be used in Skyrim. But how does the game know when you want this track to play.

exporting from bethesda creation kit

Next, click on the Music Type section and here you will see all of the currently defined "playlists" for tracks in the game. You might have asked yourself already, why in the hell did Todd Howard take away our ability to just drop in mp3 files willy nilly? Music Types are why.


  • Exporting from bethesda creation kit